I sometimes forget how smart my kids are and how big they are since they don't seem to want to do much talking. For example I will tell them I will go and get them a snack and then get side tracked and forget they get very mad when I don't comeback. Also if I say we are leaving and going to grandmas and we do some other errands first they get very impatient. I really wish their impatience would be expressed in words instead of grunts.
Also I let them play with some unbreakable Christmas ornaments then tried to put them on the tree bad idea, because now they think they can have any ornament off the tree. So we have gated the tree and I hope it helps other wise I don't know if the tree will remain decorated till Christmas.
Stevie is starting to have his dolls talk to each other, he will sit in the corner and just have his dolls gab back and forth. He also has the need to take a toy where ever he goes. he loves to fill a bucket or basket with small dolls and carry it around all day. Each day he picks a new doll that is his favorite for that day and he gets very made if anyone touches it -especially Spencer because he is afraid Spence will take it.
Spencer is learning to experiment-what makes the loudest noise when hit together what stacks together,what he can get away with coloring on. Though last night in the bath was the best. He had 2 cups and he would fill them with water then see how far his fists could go in before the water over flowed.
Jayson is still an amazingly happy baby. He will smile forever if he is full and being talked to. He is awe struck when he watches his brothers jump around.
Is that picture from his blessing? He's starting to look more like his brothers.