Saturday, June 13, 2009

Paul has a new ship date

The twins are very much boys - they love to wrestle, bite, knock things (and each other) down, and make messes especially during dinner. We used to think that Spencer was the bigger bully, but Steve has begun to learn to just sit there while his brother takes his toys. Though no matter how mean they seem to each other, or how hurt they get 5 min later they end up laughing and jabbering to each other.

They remind me more and more of Paul each day. Though speaking of Paul his sprained ankle has finally healed and he finally has a new ship date August 10th. We are very excited for Paul to go. We are going to miss him, but he is going to be trained to do something amazing. We are very proud that Paul is a solider in the U.S. Army and are very excited to see him do something he loves. He joined the National Guard to provide for his family and have a career he can be proud of. The 6 months Paul will be gone will seem like nothing compared to the 18months that his sister Aubree will be Iraq. She leaves October 3.