Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hanging with daddy

Now that it is FINALLY spring Paul and I are loving playing with the boys outside and just letting them hang out with us as we spruce up the yard.

I swear the boys teleport from one spot to another, I turn my back and they are across the room (or up the stairs). They are getting better at moving along furniture and they have almost figured out how to push their trucks with out tipping them over.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


The boys loved Easter. It was the first time we have let the boys explore on the grass. They loved the new exciting touch and TASTE of the grass. We tried to get a nice Easter pictuer of the boys together but they both wouldn't sit still long enough. I am amazed at how fast they can go, I turn around for a second and they are acrooss the room. What makes it more crazy is that the boys can now go up stairs, but they haven't quite mastered going down. So the only way I get anything down is to put gates everywhere. No matter how much I have the boys corralled in I find myself cleaning constantly.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Naked anyone

The boys are now using sippy cups and eating lots soild food, their new favorite is graham crackers. Eating solid foods I am not sure if they find the new tastes more exciting, or if its the new textures to mash. With all the solid food they are both gaining lots of weight and getting to look more and more alike every day. Though each of them has their own unique personality trade marks. Spencer loves to just hang out with his tounge sticky out. Stevie will go to anyone while Spence likes to hang out with his mom. Also Stevie is more of a jabber-jaw while Spence likes to yell to remind you that he is still there.

They boys latest phase is that they like to be naked. Whether it is just in there diapers or completely naked they become happier the instant their clothes are off. So putting on their clothes has become quite the challenge - especially when they are tired or hungry. They have just grwon out of there baby bath so now the twins get to have a bath together in the big boy tub. They love it - though no matter how many toys I put in the bath they both always seem to want the same one.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mommy moments

So in the last week I have had many mommy moments. Moments when all there is to say is yep I am a mom. For example when I was leaving work I reached in my purse for my keys and pulled out baby keys, then had to rifle through a blanket and 2 binkis before I found my car keys. Next would be when I was grocery shopping and I was just humming along, and I realized tha I was humming the song for the boys toy. And finally when I was asked what my dream vaction was a I replied a nap.

Well let me tell you about what the darling twins have been up to to make me this way. Spencer has become quite the escape artist. He has learned to go up stairs, so there is no corralling him in now. He has evened learned how to get out of the fence we putin our living room to keep them in one spot. Though as adventuous as Spencer is if his mommy walks in the room he wants my full attention. Stevie on the other hand as long as he has a toy is is quite happy to play and sometimes I think Stevie likes strangers more then me because they are new and interesting.

The twins are just gettinf biger and bigger, They are begining to eat solid foods - they have explored the world of peaches and pears, as well as bread and green beans. Stevie I think enjoys the new flavors while Spence enjoys the new texture when he mashes his food. They are both determined that they can feed themselves with a spoon, but that is more of a messy game at the moment then actually productive right now.